Wednesday, September 21, 2011

it's fixing to hit the fan!!!!!

Ok yal so iv done some more reading! Even talked to my new neighbor! she use to be in the army! She helped build the "new world" that is underground! Shit is going down you need to open your eyes up and see whats going on in front of your eyes! has any one noticed that this last week there have been more plans flying around? and that they are flying closer to the ground? pay attention! i got lots more links to show you! This week i will blow your mind on what i know!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Ok so the other day i was using "stumbleupon" and i ran across this interview video. this guy was talking about "greys" aliens and stuff like that. I went to youtube and searched this one inteview and then came across alot of other things that caught my interest. So for the last 5 days i have read into this. Just some key words to get you started: New world order commission, Denver airport ( you should look at the paintings on the wall of this place), Phil Schneider.  that's just some stuff to get your mind wondering! Im already convinced. My goal is to share what i have found and for yall to do the same so that in Dec of 2012 we arnt like omg i never saw this coming. Even thou there is no way to prevent it.